Dover, DE –Chesapeake Utilities Corporation (NYSE: CPK) (Chesapeake Utilities) employees partnered with local Delaware and Maryland food banks to help provide Thanksgiving meals for families in need. In addition, employees from the Company’s propane distribution subsidiary, Sharp Energy, partnered with DART (Delaware Authority for Regional Transit) to “Stuff a Bus” with Thanksgiving food items that have also been distributed through the Food Bank of Delaware.
“Our customers and the communities where we live and work are extensions of our Chesapeake family,” said Elaine B. Bittner, Senior Vice President of Strategic Development for Chesapeake Utilities Corporation. “Our employees genuinely care about our communities. We are especially proud of our employees’ passion and commitment to helping families in need to enjoy a healthy and warm Thanksgiving dinner.”
More than 210 employees from the Company’s Chesapeake Utilities, Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company, Sandpiper Energy, Peninsula Energy Services Company and Sharp Energy business units, as well as the corporate office, packaged and distributed meals for families in Kent County and Sussex County. Each box was filled with the makings of a festive holiday meal, including stuffing and mashed potato mixes, milk, fresh cherries, pies and more, and then topped with a frozen turkey.
Through the Company’s annual Thanksgiving for All program, employees packaged and delivered more than 550 meals. Since the program began in 2012, the Company has donated $140,000 to provide more than 5,550 meals. The Company also introduced monthly volunteer days at the Food Bank of Delaware and Maryland Food Bank–Eastern Shore to continue our community giving and support.
“Our partnership with Chesapeake Utilities has evolved over the past several years and I’m happy it continues to grow in ways that make such an impact on our communities. They are one of our largest volunteer groups,” said Chad Robinson, workforce development director for the Food Bank of Delaware. “With their help and the help of volunteers throughout the community, I know we’ll continue to make strides toward our mission of a hunger-free community.”
In addition to the annual partnership in the Thanksgiving for All program, employees from Sharp Energy partnered with DART to support their annual “Stuff the Bus” food drive. Employees filled a paratransit bus, powered by Sharp Energy propane autogas, with nonperishable Thanksgiving food staples.
“Our 20th anniversary was an incredible year. We thank Sharp Energy and their employees for their generosity and support in helping us ‘stuff’ our buses,” said John Sisson, Delaware Transit Corporation Chief Executive Officer. “Together, as a team, we have helped to make a difference in providing food assistance to Delawareans in need.” The Delaware Transit Corporation, a subsidiary of the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT), operates DART First State.
About Chesapeake Utilities Corporation
Chesapeake Utilities Corporation is a diversified energy company engaged in natural gas distribution, transmission, gathering and processing, and marketing; electricity generation and distribution; propane gas distribution and wholesale marketing; and other businesses. Information about Chesapeake Utilities Corporation’s businesses is available at
Please note that Chesapeake Utilities Corporation is not affiliated with Chesapeake Energy, an oil and natural gas exploration company headquartered in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
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For more information, contact:
Mike Stock
Senior Director, Corporate Communications
Chesapeake Utilities Corporation
[email protected]
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