Our Environmental Commitment
Environmental stewardship begins with us. Across our service territory, we implement solutions to expand energy options that increase efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. We collaborate with companies and organizations, both within our industry and beyond, to promote best practices and raise awareness of environmental issues. By operating in an ecologically aware manner at every level, we increase the environmental benefits within our communities and for the customers we serve.
Our environmental commitment spans the value chain
Our sustainable businesses stretch across the entire value chain. From gathering to processing, and generation to transmission and distribution, we have opportunities to support the emission reduction efforts of our customers and our own operation.
We are committed to:
We deliver energy that is safe, reliable and affordable. We are committed to protecting our people, communities, assets and the environment, and engaging with our stakeholders to best position the Company to move toward our vision of being a leader in delivering energy that contributes to a sustainable future.
Renewable Natural Gas
Supporting the RNG value chain by providing pathways to market market in the lower-carbon energy future
Hydrogen has the potential to become a more common fuel source in the lower-carbon energy future
Alternative Transportation FuelsConservation Programs
Keeping fuel choice at the forefront for our customers and our fleet
System Expansions
Natural gas availability produces regional positive impacts Natural gas availability produces regional positive impactsNatural gas availability produces regional positive impactsNatural gas
Emission Reduction Efforts Within Our Operating Footprint
Continually improving our environmental footprint
Environmental Compliance and Permitting
We are committed to complying with environmental laws and regulations and working with regulatory agencies as part of our environmental compliance activities.
Because most of our operations are regulated and capital-intensive, our project proposals are thoroughly vetted, not only through our internal processes, but also through public comment and permitting processes. We design our projects to avoid adverse impacts on the environment and landowners. Our growth projects are subject to rigorous federal, state and local agency reviews and tribal consultations, as applicable, but our engagement efforts do not stop there. Stakeholder input and participation in project development and throughout the project life cycle is critical for long-term business sustainability.
“The focus on sustainability is supported and shared across our organization. Our team identifies and pursues emission-reducing projects, not only internally but also to support our customers’ sustainability goals. We see sustainability in action through projects like the creation of a CNG/RNG-fueled, self-contained irrigation and waste pump at our RNG production facility in Florida; and the expansion of facilities to accept injections of RNG produced at our Planet Found Energy Development facility in Maryland. Sustainability is a key driver in our growth strategy.”
Jeff HouseHolder, Chair of the board, president and ceo
Delaware Emissions
In 2005, we began in earnest with what we commonly referred to as our “Reach the Beach” initiative in Delaware. This initiative aligned with our goal of expanding natural gas access in Delaware’s southernmost county. We exceeded this initial goal, reaching further south on the Delmarva Peninsula, currently stretching as far south as Somerset County, Maryland.
Concurrently with the expanded access and utilization of natural gas across the residential, commercial, industrial and electric power generation sectors, 2020 CO2 emissions from fuel consumption in Delaware were down by over 28% since 2005. From 2005 to 2020, U.S. states have realized an average 31.6% decrease in metric tons of energy related CO2 per person; Delaware betters this average, decreasing its metric tons of energy related CO2 per person by 39%.