DOVER, DE Chesapeake Utilities Corporation (NYSE: CPK) today announced the promotion of Cheryl Martin to Senior Vice President of Regulatory and External Affairs for the Company.

Ms. Martin is responsible for overseeing the Corporation’s regulatory, legislative, communications and community affairs initiatives throughout several states. She is also responsible for leading the Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) efforts throughout the organization.

“Cheryl’s inspiring leadership, hard work and dedication to all, has contributed greatly to our Company’s success,” said Jim Moriarty, Executive Vice President and General Counsel for Chesapeake Utilities Corporation. “This is a well-deserved promotion. I am confident that Cheryl will continue to help articulate our vision and grow our special enterprise as we align our expanding communication and external affairs initiatives with the demands and needs of our evolving and dynamic industry.”

Ms. Martin joined Florida Public Utilities Company in March of 1985, gaining exceptional experience in accounting, business analysis, regulatory and governmental affairs. She was previously the Vice President of Regulatory and External Affairs for Chesapeake Utilities Corporation.  Ms. Martin has successfully led the Company through groundbreaking rate cases, regulatory filings, and other important initiatives, and is responsible for the expansion of the current government affairs team and activities. Ms. Martin is also coordinating all of the Company’s external messaging to ensure consistency in advocacy, marketing and content, including the Company’s gas advocacy campaigns.

In addition, Ms. Martin has been instrumental in the growth, reach and breadth of the Company’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion initiatives, including the launching of its Women in Energy Employee Resource Group (ERG) in 2018. In 2020, Ms. Martin assumed the role of Co-Chair of the Equity Diversity and Inclusion Council and related initiatives including the expansion of its ERGs.  Ms. Martin has been active on several committees within the Florida Natural Gas Association (FNGA) and the American Gas Association (AGA) and currently serves on the FNGA Board of Directors. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Florida State University and is a Florida Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

About Chesapeake Utilities Corporation

Chesapeake Utilities Corporation is a diversified energy delivery company, listed on the New York Stock Exchange, which is engaged in natural gas transmission and distribution; electricity generation and distribution; propane gas distribution; mobile compressed natural gas (CNG) utility services and solutions; and other businesses. Information about Chesapeake Utilities Corporation’s businesses is available at and on the Annual Report Microsite at

Please note that Chesapeake Utilities Corporation is not affiliated with Chesapeake Energy, an oil and natural gas exploration company headquartered in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

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