DOVER, Del. – At Chesapeake Utilities Corporation (NYSE: CPK), we care about keeping people safe. Chesapeake Utilities recognizes Aug. 11 as National Call Before You Dig Day and reminds customers, contractors and anyone digging to call 811 a minimum of two business days prior to starting any digging project, no matter how large or small. Calling 811 is a free service for anyone planning to dig. Utility workers will respond at no cost to you and mark the location of any underground natural gas and/or propane pipe, electric lines or other service lines. Making the free call will help avoid injuries, property damage and costly repairs.
Every digging project warrants a call to 811. Whether installing a mailbox, building a deck, planting a tree or laying a patio, a call to 811 should be the first step in planning the project. In addition to underground line safety, the public should also be aware of potential shock hazards associated with electrical distribution equipment. It is important to follow safety signs, keep away from electrical transmission and distribution power lines, look up when working near lines, and call 811 before digging.
Chesapeake Utilities, including its family of companies, manages gas pipeline and distribution mains and underground electric lines, many of which may cross through residential properties. Properly locating these lines is essential to safely completing a digging job. In addition to Chesapeake Utilities’ lines, there are underground communications cables, water and sewer lines and other utilities. Even properties without a particular utility service may have lines running below ground. Chesapeake Utilities encourages plumbers and excavators who use mechanical equipment to clear sewer blockages to make an emergency locate request as sewer laterals are not always marked.
One free call to 811 informs the appropriate state 811 partner organization, which notifies the local utility companies of the intent to dig. Professional locators are sent to the requested digging site to mark the locations of underground lines with flags, stakes and/or spray paint. Once lines are located, customers and excavators must understand the markings and look for evidence of unmarked lines, such as water and sewer lines, on private property. Sewer clean-outs and water valve covers are examples of equipment that can indicate the presence of underground lines.
About Chesapeake Utilities Corporation
Chesapeake Utilities Corporation is a diversified energy delivery company, listed on the New York Stock Exchange, which is engaged in natural gas transmission and distribution; electricity generation and distribution; propane gas distribution; mobile compressed natural gas (CNG) utility services and solutions; and other businesses. Information about Chesapeake Utilities Corporation’s businesses is available at and on the Annual Report Microsite at
Please note that Chesapeake Utilities Corporation is not affiliated with Chesapeake Energy, an oil and natural gas exploration company headquartered in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
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