Dover, Delaware – Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company (ESNG), a subsidiary of Chesapeake Utilities Corporation, received the American Gas Association’s (AGA) Safety Achievement Award for the sixth consecutive year in a row. The 2008 Safety Achievement Award, presented at AGA’s 2009 Operations Conference and Biennial Exhibition on May 20, 2009, was given to companies that achieved the lowest “DART” incident rate — a mathematical calculation that describes the number of recordable injuries and illnesses per 100 full-time employees that resulted in days away from work or restricted work activity.

“The safety of our customers and our employees is our highest priority,” said John R. Schimkaitis, President and Chief Executive Officer of Chesapeake Utilities Corporation. “I’m extremely proud of the Eastern Shore team’s continued commitment to maintaining the highest standards of safety.”

Eastern Shore Natural Gas was the only company to receive this prestigious award for medium-sized transmission companies.

The American Gas Association, founded in 1918, represents 202 local energy companies that deliver clean natural gas throughout the United States. Today, natural gas meets almost one-fourth of the United States’ energy needs.

Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company is the interstate natural gas pipeline subsidiary of Chesapeake Utilities Corporation. ESNG currently owns and operates 379 miles of high-pressure interstate pipeline on the Delmarva Peninsula. Both ESNG and Chesapeake Utilities Corporation are headquartered in Dover, DE.

Chesapeake Utilities Corporation is a diversified utility company engaged in natural gas distribution, transmission and marketing, propane distribution and wholesale marketing, advanced information services and other related businesses. Information about Chesapeake Utilities Corporation and the Chesapeake family of businesses is available at


For more information
Sydney Davis, Communications Manager
Chesapeake Utilities Corporation
[email protected]

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