Del-Mar Energy Pathway Project
Project Description
Project Snapshot
Segment: Regulated Energy
Project Type: Pipeline Expansions
Business Unit: Eastern Shore Natural Gas (Eastern Shore)
Capital Investment: Approximately $47 million
Completed and In-Service: Fourth Quarter of 2021
Annualized Gross Margin: $5.1 Million
Primary Location: Sussex County, Delaware; Somerset County, Maryland
Project Overview
Eastern Shore Natural Gas invested approximately $47 million to construct approximately 12 miles of pipeline looping and extension in Kent and Sussex Counties in Delaware, and approximately seven miles of pipeline extension in Wicomico and Somerset Counties in Maryland, as well as new delivery points. The new natural gas infrastructure facilitated the provision of an additional 11,800 dts of firm natural gas transportation pipeline capacity and 2,500 dts of off-peak natural gas transportation capacity to meet the market needs of Chesapeake Utilities’ natural gas distribution subsidiaries on the Delmarva Peninsula and an industrial customer. FERC approval for the project was received in December 2019, and the final leg of the project was placed into service during the fourth quarter of 2021.